Friday Funnies

Me: Asher, you need to go to sleep so you can grow.
Asher: I grow and be big giant. Like you.

Asher (coming up to me and patting my belly): You have baby in there?
Me: No. But thanks for asking.

Isaac: The bath is too cold.
Asher: The bath is too hot.
Me: I'll put more warm water over here and more hot over here.
Isaac: It is still cold! I don't deserve this!

Asher (goes into dark basement): My eyes glow in the dark!

Asher (playing with other kids and climbing): I can do this. I'm really brave.

Me: Goodnight Asher.
Asher (using his newest stalling technique): Wait, I have a question.
Me: Okay, what's your question.
Asher: Umm. You have a question for me?
Me: *Laughs* Sure. How long will you sleep tonight?
Asher: Umm. Maybe 1 hour.
Me: You need more than that.
Asher: Oh. Maybe 10 hours.
Me: That's more like it.

I took hot dogs out of the freezer to make for dinner.
Me: I'm going to cook these for tonight.
Asher: No, I want it cold.
Me: It's frozen, you can't eat it.
Asher: Yes I can. I have strong teeth.

Photography by Isaac
