Sorry guys - major catchup

It's been nearly a month. I have not made this blog a priority at all.  Let me do some catch up.

Thanksgiving was a lot of fun at my parent's house. We were able to spend time with a lot of family, have fun, and just relax, which isn't always easy to do when there is a big dinner to put on. We lucked out in that the weather was good enough for being outdoors.

Since then, we've been fighting off illnesses of one sort or another, but still having fun when we can. Sometimes we have to stay inside and have fun doing whatever we can around the house. This is evidence that Isaac and Asher steal my phone.

Evidence I don't wake up glamorous

Playing around the house.
My climber
Tree mechanic



We are also having a lot outside at the playground or at the children's museum when we can. Thank you again, to my mom & dad for the early Christmas present. The membership to the Magic House is wonderful. Also, the last couple of times, we explored new areas and we came across a Goodnight Moon display. It was VERY cool.



That's about it for now. Thanks for your patience.


  1. I read this one earlier, but I guess I didn't hit PUBLISH when I wrote a comment!

    First, you never need to apologize for not blogging on time! This is YOUR blog!

    Second, yay for Magic House membership! Looks like it is fun for parents and kids!

    Third, I'm glad we crossed paths at Thanksgiving! I like your pictures!

    Fourth, nice Christmas tree mechanic! It must be an emerging field!


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