Catch up - Indiana visit

Two weekends ago, we went to Indiana to visit family. Sorry, this was a pretty sparse picture trip. I guess that just means we were too busy having fun to take photos.

My niece and nephew graduated from college, so the family had a big pool party to celebrate. We had a great time running around with kids and catching up. I wish I had taken more photos, but we were eating, swimming, or visiting the whole time.

We stayed at my sister's house and had a a little while to ourselves. It was sort of like an Air B&B. :-) They were out of town at first, so we were able to relax and hang out. We were able to spend time with Grandma Clara, too, so that was perfect. Asher wanted to run around and didn't want to have his picture taken. Grandma took it in stride, though.


Again, I don't have a lot of pictures - WHY?? Oh well, we had a great time. When my sister and family came home we were able to spend some time with them and even celebrate my niece's birthday. Happy Birthday, Abby!

On our way back home, we encountered some bad behavior:

As well as what looked like a mushroom cloud over St. Louis. We weren't sure what we'd find when we got to Missouri.


  1. Glad you guys had such a great trip! You packed a lot in there!

    Funny mushroom cloud!


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