Back to normal

Well, you know, normal with kids and a dog. We are doing well despite the heat. Our outdoor projects have come to a standstill and we just have to be okay with that. There are plenty of things to do inside; between playing, organizing, and keeping up with everyday life, we always have something going on.

Over the weekend I tried to get to the park before it got too hot. We sort of succeeded. It was pretty warm already, but we had a good time. There are always kids to play with and dogs to watch. Isaac likes the little kid swing, but he's almost too big for it. When I'm distracted, Asher makes a run for Isaac's juice since I don't give it to him yet. The pediatrician says to wait on juice until they are two.



Other than that we've been taking it easy. We went to a friend's house for dinner and the kids got to play a lot. They even slept in a bit the next morning, which was wonderful. 

I haven't been baking because I'm gaining weight, but I did make some very good granola the other day with almonds and banana chips. The whole house smelled great when it was in the oven.

I want to take this opportunity to share my "news for parents" source. It's called The Skimm. It's the highlights of the news with links for more info. This is my secret for conversation topics when talking about baby poop isn't appropriate. Hey, you talk about what you know.


  1. It is hot!! July. It should be a curse word.

    Sweet boys outside! Love it! I can see that Asher is a force to be reckoned with! I am excited for Asher, Jason, Isaac, Leo, and Luke to be all together! What a bunch!


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