I love my boys

I know I might vent from time to time, but these boys amaze me. It is so gratifying to see them learn new things, hear "please" and "thank you" from Isaac, and get hugs and kisses from both.

Isaac is still super musical and wants to sing, dance, or play music all the time.  He's surprisingly good at making up tunes. He is silly and wants to do everything quickly, like run somewhere or sing Mary Had a Little Lamb at top speed.  He also takes after his Daddy and tries to make me laugh.

Asher is getting all his molars at once.  He is also going through another growth spurt.  All he does is eat and sleep.  One of the few foods he doesn't like is eggs, but he eats everything else so well, that it's okay.  He is a happy boy who is very curious.  He will run to you and give you a hug if you have your arms stretched out. It melt my heart every time.

Last weekend we were so relieved that we had sun again that we took a family trip to the zoo. It was great and nice to go all together.  Here are a few pictures.


  1. Awww. I love this post! I love the grateful heart you have, and the beautiful boys you admire even while giving so much of yourself to them! I'm glad you all got to go to the zoo together. When you have preschoolers, I think that there is sometimes a glut of family time so much so that it is hard to make time for "family time," if that makes sense. Your boys are amazing! They melt my heart, too!

  2. Heidi, So much fun at that age. So cute. Thanks for posting things so I can love my grandchildren from afar. Love Mom


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