Christmas Part 3

We stopped at Alex's parent's again on the way home to finish opening our presents.  (The boys opened the ones from aunts and uncles while we visited the first time, but that's it.)  It was great to get out and stretch our legs. Our plan was to spend about two hours visiting and opening gifts.  The boys had other plans, though.  They were exhausted and cranky.  We ended up packing up most everything and taking it home.

A wheel of bells.  If this were from any other person, Fran, you would be off our Valentine's Card list.

After this is when all hell broke loose and we tried appeasing the monsters with food.  It didn't work.

Here's us opening gifts at home:

The fire truck puzzle is already put together.

One of Isaac's favorites from his stocking at home.  If you are family, you just might receive one of his water color abstract masterpieces soon. :-) Don't worry, I won't send the box.


  1. Fun!! We love water colors! Glad you got to stop even if it was for a short time!


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