Chalk it in

With milder temperatures lately, Isaac is thrilled to be playing outside more.  He loves playing with chalk and asking me to draw shapes, letters, and numbers for him to identify.  He also adds to my drawings, such as the chocolate chips to cookies and sun rays to the sun.  Very cute.

Isaac is also showing his imagination more and more.  For whatever reason this comes out when we are eating.  For example, he was eating a cookie the other day and said it was a crunchy starfish.  Why not?  Yesterday when he was eating yogurt, he told me dinosaurs liked yogurt, too.  Good to know. :-)

With so little to go before my due date, Alex has been especially wonderful by giving me an opportunity to rest by timing outings when I come home from work.  That is love.


  1. That is love!! I'm so glad you have a thoughtful husband and a bright, beautiful boy!!


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