Never say never

I was a judger.  I used to judge the parents who were out with their kiddos who kept handing them snacks to keep them occupied.  Well, I'm now not any better.  Recently Isaac has been TERRIBLE about getting back into the car after grocery, Target, park, zoo, any outing. Seriously, a full-blown meltdown as I attempt to strap him into his carseat.  It's not a pretty sight.  And you know, I do it anyway and feel terrible the whole time b/c the milk is in the trunk getting warm and my 10th attempt just has to work.

Well, my new plan of attack totally has worked... for two days.  Hey, small celebrations.  Step 1: WARNING.  "Hey Isaac, let's say goodbye to the grocery store.  We're going to go to the car and get  into the carseat and go home."  I say this about 3-5 times.  Step 2: Incentive. "Isaac, when you get into the car, you are going to have (juice, cookies aka animal crackers, dried pineapple, etc.)  Step 3: follow through like it ain't no thing.  (Internal thought: "No, your previous melt-downs haven't made me afraid of this process at all.  It's not a big deal and I'm not at all expecting any problems.")  I've learned not to show fear.  Toddler can smell it.

This weekend I took a few pictures since Isaac's birthday is coming up soon and I was hoping to develop some of the better ones and send them to family.  Here's a few that are okay.  Notice the "prop" aka stick.  He wasn't constantly reaching for something else, so I went with it.

The indoor session complete with the step stool to show how much he's grown since last year. I tried to get him to stand behind the step stool, look at the camera, and smile and the same time.  It didn't happen.  I didn't really expect it to, though.

Getting tired of the indoor session:

We also did a quick trip to the Magic house this evening.  It's all about the sand with Isaac.  However, he expanded to rubberized mulch (I don't know what else to call it) because there were trucks.


  1. You're a great mom! We all judge and then pay for it, and then learn not to judge so much! Ha!! You're doing great! I like your plan!

    And the photos look great! He is getting HUGE!!

    And playing with trucks at Magic House looks awesome!! I know Leo would still enjoy that!!

  2. Heidi, you are too funny. Toddlers can smell fear! These turned out pretty good. He's adorable as always. KL

  3. That adorable little boy throwing a temper tantrum? I just can't believe it!! His daddy NEVER did such a thing!! (winkwink)


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