So, I think our camera is a gonner. All of these photos are from my phone, so the quality isn't as good as my phone isn't the best. It meets my needs, though.
Father's day was great. Isaac, Roy, and I got Alex a tool chest, tool box, and liners so smaller items wouldn't slide all over the place. We had a relaxing day filled with play and good food.
Isaac remembered that his toy drum makes a great step stool and grabbed the last shortbread "gookie" for himself. I thought it was pretty clever and didn't stop him. He earned it.
We are still enjoying our early morning nature observations. He looks for things that he can say, like squirrel, bird, bunny rabbit, leaf, flower, etc. He also waved bye-bye to cars that drive by.
Since you've made it this far, you get the pleasure of seeing a selfie sans makeup. We were just snuggling that morning. It was too cute to pass up.
Father's day was great. Isaac, Roy, and I got Alex a tool chest, tool box, and liners so smaller items wouldn't slide all over the place. We had a relaxing day filled with play and good food.
Isaac remembered that his toy drum makes a great step stool and grabbed the last shortbread "gookie" for himself. I thought it was pretty clever and didn't stop him. He earned it.
We are still enjoying our early morning nature observations. He looks for things that he can say, like squirrel, bird, bunny rabbit, leaf, flower, etc. He also waved bye-bye to cars that drive by.
Since you've made it this far, you get the pleasure of seeing a selfie sans makeup. We were just snuggling that morning. It was too cute to pass up.
Aww! Cuteness abounds on your blog!!