Working around the house

Sorry this is so late guys.  I'm trying to get this out while Isaac watches Sesame Street, so this won't have a lot of text.

While Isaac and I were visiting my sister, Alex was quite busy.  He hauled lumber and started on the garage workshop.  This will finally give him a place for projects that are needed around the house. Hooray.  Plus, it's something that he enjoys.  Even better! Updates to follow.

I am also getting rid of the obscene green in my craft room in the basement.  I had leftover paint from the master bedroom, so I decided that now was the time.  Watch my mad skills without painters tape. :-)  I'm currently on my third coat.  It might have been okay with two, but it wasn't great.  Plus, I have plenty of paint, so why not take the time to make it good? Updates to follow.

After all this work, Isaac reminds us to play a bit... with bubbles!

And rest...

And more play - wrestling!


  1. Hooray for projects!! That feeling of accomplishment is hard to beat! Except by playtime with a happy toddler!


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