Laundry, walking, and monsters

I was able to make some progress on the laundry room this past weekend.  There were some problems with the area that I needed to tend with before I could put up shelves.  Basically the previous home owners didn't frame in a complete wall, they just put up a large board, maybe 3ft x 8ft, to cover the opening that would have been from the laundry room to the storage space under the stairs.  I think they must have had a makeshift laundry room closet there at one time.  Really, it's not a big deal, but now that I want to put shelves up, I at least need to make the wall plum, which I did.  Now that that is done, there are strips where the paint no longer matches, plus an area that shows a tiny gap between the big flat board and the regular wall in the finished basement.  Sorry, that was a bit confusing.  To sum it up, I caulked the seams and painted the parts that needed it.


I also bought 2x4's to length to reinforce the big flat board, so I can actually hang up shelves without a) breaking the wall or b) having the shelves fall down.  I just need to toenail them into the wall in the storage area under the stairs for support.

The only other thing I've done is purchase a rug for the laundry room.  Isaac loves this addition.  He lays on the rug and watches the dryer.  To each his own.

Speaking of Isaac, he has made a lot of progress with his walking in the past week.  It is now his preferred method of transportation.

We are also making progress on him getting down from high places like the couch and my lap.  That's mostly because he dove off my lap several days ago and bonked his nose and forehead.  He had a big scratch on his nose until this morning (after neosporin every night.)

He's also doing something new.  He lifts up his chin really high and then gets a kick out of it when you do the same.  Hey, sometimes it's the little things in life that bring us the most happiness.

So, now for the not-so-fun news: we're sick!  Isaac has been fighting a cold for the past few weeks. He hasn't had a fever and has ben in good spirits, but it started as a runny nose, then got better.  Now it is a cough that has lasted for about two weeks.  We took him to the Dr. on Monday and he suspects it was two different illnesses that Isaac picked up from Mom's morning out.  The current one is Bronciolitis.  No fun.  I've been fighting a sore throat for a few weeks since he got sick.  Last night it decided to catch up to me and go into my chest.  So, now I'm tired b/c I'm up with Isaac coughing in the night, last night I was coughing, and I barely have a voice.  Awesome.  Good thing I wrote most of this post a few days ago.

To end on a good note, I stole an idea from Pinterest and actually did it.  I thought we needed a cute Halloween decoration for our house.  Since it is October 1, it is time.  This is our front door.  I'm quite happy with how it turned out.


  1. I'm totally impressed with the laundry room work! I didn't know you had it in you!

    Awesome on the walking front, the laying on the rug in the laundry room is cute, the chin up is adorable, and the being sick sucks...for all of you.

    I love the door decoration! I should do that, too! (I doubt I will, though!)

  2. I can't wait to see the after pictures.


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