Glimpse into everyday life & small video

Mornings are typically my time with Isaac.  Alex takes the 10pm - 4am shift and I take over after that.  My self-shots haven't turned out so well, so I asked Alex to take one of us as soon as he got up.  This is a true representation of our morning routine.  I feed Isaac, keep him awake for a little while (by reading, talking, and/or signing) then put him down for a nap.  Then the cycle repeats. The couch is our area in the morning; we've equipped it with everything needed as you can see.

One day Isaac will make fun of my outfit in this picture. :-)

I forgot to upload this a few days ago.  Pictures are fun & convenient, but a video every now and then gives you a better understanding of the cuteness factor :-)


I tend to call him Honey Bear, Alex calls him Snapper (like Whipper-Snapper, just as his grandfather called his mother.)


  1. Aww! He is just darling trying to wave at his Aunt Christine!! Love him! Really, he is just too cute!

    And Isaac may not make fun of your outfit. He may just notice how lovingly you are looking at him!


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