This week recap

Sorry this is late.  Dear Husband (DH) has a summer cold and was kind enough to share with me.  Fortunately, we're both on the mend (I hope.) Thank goodness for zinc tablets!

Painting consumed me this past week.  I sanded walls, puttied holes, sanded some more, washed walls, and prepped for painting with tape and drop cloths.  I learned some mad skills while priming, like how to cut in a perfect edge on the ceiling.  True, this was after I realized I taped everything but the ceiling and I was left with the decision to tape even more or just go slowly and have a wet rag on hand.

I'm including some pictures of the progress and the result.

I did the trim first when I primed.  It looks a bit purple, but it is actually a light grey.

I did this wall last after the construction on the doorway was done.

During this time we also had DH's office door widened. It was an exterior wall, so we hired a contractor.  It turned out perfectly.  Granted there was an inordinate amount of dust do to the construction, but now we can actually get furniture through the door. Hooray!

Also, look at our new register covers - I think they look great!
The wall color is most true to the Sharkfin paint color.
We also received our long-awaited roman shades.  I think they look wonderful with the grey paint.  It's really starting to feel like our home and not the previous owner's.

This looks a little dark & blue because of the flash, but it is still pretty close.


  1. Love the color! It looks great! I'm glad you two are feeling better. Summer colds are the pits!

    I also love the new registers!

    Glad you got the door widened even if it was annoying to figure out and execute. I am sure you will be happy in years to come!

  2. Hi Heidi!! I'm loving your blog..I have been following it since you started just haven't got around to posting a comment yet. The colors you guys chose look great, your doing such a nice job. The house is lovely... Congratulations!!! I also loved your rug project was very interesting...I couldn't tell a difference in the one you freehanded...Great Job!!by the way this is Erika..


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